Accessories For Pallet Racks That Make Organization And Storage Easier And Safer

Posted on: 30 March 2016

If you use several pallet racks in your industry for storage, then you may have need of some of the accessories sold for these structures. Most industries might only invest in the racks and the plywood or acrylic-coated wire shelving, but there are several other items that can make storage and organization in your plant so much better and easier. The following items are just a few of the many helpful accessories you can buy that will also keep your employees safe.

Drum Cradles

If your factory produces barreled chemicals, dry or wet, and those chemicals do not need to be stored in an upright position, you can buy drum cradles for your pallet racks. These very useful cradles can help contain several plastic or steel drums within a single bay in your pallet rack system. While you can certainly place a drum cradle in your rack system at any height, it is highly recommended that you install the drum cradles on the pallet rack shelves closest to the floor to prevent accidents and injuries.

Load Stops

If you are not placing all of your pallet racks against walls and have several that are in rows by themselves on the storage room or warehouse floor, then you will definitely want to invest in some load stops. There are three types of load stops:

  • Vertical load stops, which are bars mounted vertically to the backs of the pallet racks to keep tall objects from tumbling out backwards behind the racks.
  • Horizontal load stops, which are mounted horizontally across the back of the pallet racks and low to the shelf edges to prevent the pallets from being lifted and set too far back.
  • Load position stops, which halt the accidental loading and dropping of pallets containing extremely heavy and tall goods off the backs of the racks.

It is recommended that some type of load stop be used for every shelf on a pallet rack that is standing away from a wall and in a row with other racks.

Entry Guides

Entry guides ensure that your forklift operators will place the pallets in perfect position on the racks, even when the shelves are several stories up and the forklift operator cannot see where the pallets are going. With a little practice, most of your forklift operators will be able to tell when the pallets are in alignment with the entry guides and when the pallets need to be moved just a little bit to the left or right so that the guides can help guide the pallets onto the shelves properly. (This prevents a lot of accidental drop injuries that occur when your forklift operators think the pallet is where it should be but miscalculate the distance.)  
