3 Things To Think About When Getting A New Well

Posted on: 15 March 2016

Many homeowners today have a well that gives them fresh water for their home. While you might not have to worry about getting a new well for quite some time, there are no guarantees on how long a well is going to last before you have to get it replaced. If you are in the market for a new well for your home, you probably have a lot of questions on your mind. To help give you some of the answers you seek, here are a few things you need to think about when getting your new well.

Where you want the new well located.

One of the main things you want to determine is where you are going to have the new well located on your property. You want to make sure that you are choosing a location that is convenient in the event that you ever have to have a company come in and do any work on the system for you. Don't put it somewhere that is an inconvenience for everyone.

How far the new well is going to be from your septic system.

You also have to think about how far your well is from your septic system. You don't want your well to be too close to your septic system. Otherwise, you could end up with your sewage flowing into your water that you drink. Not only is that going to make everyone in the home sick, but it is a major violation of building code. Your septic has to be so many feet away from your well. Each jurisdiction is going to vary, so you want to find out what the requirements are beforehand.

How deep you want the new well to be.

Your well can be dug a few different depths. Depending on where you are having the well dug and how many people are in your home, you might want to go with a larger well than average. This will make sure that you have the size well you need for your home without having to worry about not having enough water to keep your home going. If the area is too shallow, you might have no other choice than to go with a shallower well. Make sure to discuss this all beforehand with the well drilling company.

By going through the three things above, you can make sure you get the well you need. Click here for more information.
